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That's Our Promise!

After almost seven years of working on building a loyal brand at Chapters on Main, we still have people coming through the doors each day that are just now seeing us for the first time ever! The fun thing about that is watching their faces when they come through the door, especially right here at Christmas time. But really at any time. Then when they get that first latte handed to them by our baristas. They are almost always smiling and happy!

Hello, my name is Debbie Foliart and I am the founder of Chapters on Main Bookstore & Coffee Shop.

In 2016, after discussion for almost a year, my husband and I purchased what was a previous used bookstore at our location, 816 Main, Van Buren, Ar. We added new books, gifts, Bibles, journals, some love and attention to bring what is now Chapters on Main alive as a local Indie Bookstore on the Main Street of Van Buren.

I never thought my dream would be to salvage an older bookseller's store to the point we have over the past years, but there is nothing better than speaking to our customers when they come in and I identify with them or they identify with me and we can talk books or coffee or both! Or even more fulfilling is when someone comes for the first time and they are amazed at the books and coffee and tell you all that they love! That means you've done it right!

Well, seven years later we are still going strong with over 400 members that are loyal local supporters that have helped us continue to grow into what we are today. A local Independent Bookstore and Coffee Shop.

At the beginning, we chose to create a culture that was one for all ages. A culture that was a place for book lovers and coffee snobs (if you will)! We have been through many changes within the walls, and some outside also, but the one thing we stand on is our promise to our customers. That has not changed.

That promise you ask? Yes, we say it every time we serve a drink and we mean it.

Our promise has been the same to our customers and has been long before anyone else came to town with a similar saying.

Our promise, "if it isn't absolutely perfect, we will remake it for you". This is our offer when the barista delivers their drink to our customer each and every time!

And we do remake it! Not that we have to very often, but on occassion there are mistakes and sometimes a customer thinks they will like a drink but won't. In any of these cases, the drink is remade at no cost to the customer.

After these seven years, the promise to maintain not work, not home, but our "third place to gather" atmosphere for all of our customers and deliver the most quality drinks possible is still in place! So every time you enter Chapters and order any type of drink, coffee, latte, tea or hot chocolate, you will get that same promise when it is being delivered to you! And guess what! We still mean it today, just like we did at the very beginning! It is part of our training with each new barista hired.

So because we have great customers that keep us accountable, we will continue to make quality drinks with Onyx coffee, provide a variety of books that will deepen thoughts and will always be a place for our community to gather!

Because our commitment to you is

"if it's not perfect, we'll remake it!

Every time!"

Wishing you the best throughout the season!


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