Gene Everywhere, a life-changing visit from my father-in-law
Gene Everywhere, a life-changing visit from my father-in-law
On New Year's Day 2011, without giving the idea full consideration, Talya invites her ninety-year-old father-in-law to visit. He needs a temporary place to stay. She needs something. From the moment Gene steps into her kitchen clutching a paper sack filled with medication, NOTHING unfolds as she expects.
"While often grounded in things—a red sweatshirt, a jigsaw puzzle, a toothpick, 72 ceiling tiles—at its heart Gene, Everywhere is about people in their maddening, clumsy, confounding, and ultimately triumphant attempts to connect and enrich each other’s lives... Anyone who has been inspired by an older mentor will love this memoir; anyone who has not will find one in Gene." ~ Dorene O’Brien, author of What It Might Feel Like to HopeWith the generational wisdom of Tuesdays with Morrie and the charm of A Man Called Ove, this story is for adult children everywhere.
Hardcover and Softcover
On New Year's Day 2011, without giving the idea full consideration, Talya invites her ninety-year-old father-in-law to visit. He needs a temporary place to stay. She needs something. From the moment Gene steps into her kitchen clutching a paper sack filled with medication, NOTHING unfolds as she expects.
"While often grounded in things—a red sweatshirt, a jigsaw puzzle, a toothpick, 72 ceiling tiles—at its heart Gene, Everywhere is about people in their maddening, clumsy, confounding, and ultimately triumphant attempts to connect and enrich each other’s lives... Anyone who has been inspired by an older mentor will love this memoir; anyone who has not will find one in Gene." ~ Dorene O’Brien, author of What It Might Feel Like to Hope With the generational wisdom of Tuesdays with Morrie and the charm of A Man Called Ove, this story is for adult children everywhere. (less)RETURN & REFUND POLICY
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